New Lease for Extravaganza Productions

Tampa, FL (June 25, 2013) — The Dikman Company announced today Ben Dikman recently executed a 65-month term lease for Extravaganza Productions at 5552 & 5556 56th Commerce Park Boulevard in East Lake-Orient Park. Dikman helped Extravaganza Productions to...

Bob Dikman Presents at ABC’s 2013 BizCon

Tampa, FL (March 2013) — Bob Dikman was recently a panelist on the ‘Trends in Major Land Development’ panel as part of the 2013 Bizcon Conference held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The panels purpose was to convey information about where major development activities...

Brandon Health Management Renews Lease

Tampa, FL (December 2012) — The Dikman Company announced today Ben Dikman recently executed a five-year lease renewal with Brandon Health Management at 9270 Bay Plaza Blvd. Suite 620.  An additional 664 square feet added to the previous space brought the new...