Bob Dikman, ALC, CCIM, SIOR, CRB, Chairman & CEO

I have never been one to make New Year’s Resolutions. I believe that New Year’s Resolutions actually set you up to fail! Think about it, every year we create a very hefty list of resolutions that we vow to begin following immediately, yet we have no idea as to HOW we are going to achieve these resolutions. By the time February rolls around, most of us have fallen off the proverbial wagon and fallen victim to the same old

So, what’s the reason we oftentimes fail in keeping New Year’s Resolutions? We don’t have an action plan or a strategy in place to reach the resolution/goal. A goal without a strategy is merely a ‘wish’.

It is unrealistic to expect to lose weight, get healthy, save more money or grow your business by 25% if you don’t have a solid plan in place. Also, we shouldn’t just set
goals once a year…..goal setting should be a part of our personal and
professional lives every day!

I do believe that a new year presents us with a new opportunity to set new goals. Some of the 2012 goals for The Dikman Company include:

1. Become matchmakers for our clients! We are marketing specifically to those businesses and industries that are ideal prospects for our properties. No more
marketing to the masses. It has to be very strategic and targeted.

2. Step ‘out of the box’ more often. Let’s face it, most commercial realtors are not known for being creative marketers. In 2011, The Dikman Company took a HUGE step
‘outside of the box’ and launched a multi-faceted marketing program.
We embraced technology, tried new tactics, and have seen positive results!
We are analyzing innovative ways to cross-market and expand our reach even
more. The traditional way of doing business no longer works on its own; you’ve
got to be cutting edge and you can not be afraid to try new tactics.
It is time to step out of your comfort zone, both personally and professionally!

3. Think globally! With all of the technologies out there today, our world has gotten much smaller. At The Dikman Company, we are seeing clients from all over the world! I just completed a deal with a client in Brazil, and am working with several other
clients from out of state and out of the country. Business no longer
comes from across the street or across town, it comes from across the globe.
Don’t limit yourself!